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My Major Personal Project at BCU. This project began with the exploration of the idea of internal and external beauty, eventually produced in a series of installations as part of a social experiment, and from that two videos that delve into the effects that social media has on body image.

Mirror, Mirror. tackles the way in which we use the likes of Instagram, attempting to warn and prepare the next generation of social media users about how much seeing this unattainable online perfection can affect our mental health, and how we, as users, can start to prevent the next 13 year-olds making online accounts from suffering the same things we did. For this, I won the MAC Award for Technical Production at the Viscom Awards.

We are lying to younger generations by allowing them to compare themselves to our online personas. Show the next generation of social media users how to be proud of their bodies and their lives.


After my installations and experiments, I produced two short films from footage and interviews I took on both exhibition days, created to be seen and shared on social media as a callout to protect younger users. Music by Ellzo, Majestic Records.

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